Pegguy Arphexad

What are you talking about - Mike Nugent nailed the game winner! Might be the best effort by a Jets draft pick all day!

I guess passing out must be a normal occurrence for jezebel folks. I’ve never passed out or even seen anyone pass out just from being in heat. If she’s overheating at 78 degrees, I guess she’ll never be visiting anything south of Virginia from April-October or she’ll drop as soon as she steps off the plane.

She literally had to be carried into the van...jesus christ you people are blind if you think it’s a conspiracy to make a story out of nothing. IT’S A BIG DEAL.

I’m not running for president, nor did I ever say it was brave. You don’t think Hillary will ever have to travel somewhere where it’s warmer than 80 degrees? There are hundreds of people at that event. Only Hillary succumbed to the ‘heat.’ How do you explain that all those other people were fine? Something is wrong.

It was 75 according to forecasts, and anything under 90 is mild. I wear a suit in Houston every weekday, so I don’t want to hear about mid 70s and humidity and wearing clothes.

Would you agree that’s it’s a legitimate issue going forward?

Whatever. If trump did this you guys would have a FUCKING FIELD DAY. Play it off Gawker Lite.

This is bad. This could be turning point bad. This could be lose the election bad.

Everyone here likes to make fun of Breitbart for being an echo chamber, but it’s really the same at Jezebel.

That’s your take away? Tragedy left and right and your base instinct is to insult the police? SMDH

Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

How sweet, HamNo brought his grandmother over from Gawker too!

All the cursing just makes you sound ignorant. Or was that the point?

That sound you heard was Drew Magary spiraling down a vortex of sorrow.

Hamilton Nolan

When a life is threatened by immediate danger, such as a fire, you have to ignore the danger of causing further injury by moving the victim.

Let me just tell you about the judge less joy of being a stay at home dad. You are a) a loser, b) a real loser, c) someone who couldn’t provide for his family, d) the next closest thing to a pimp, putting your wife to work while you stay home, e) someone whose very maleness is bound to damage the kid, who needs

*whose names the AP could find*. . .

Don’t be obtuse. “The Concourse” is a play on words because concourse is name the walking area around a sports arena. The idea is that the topics aren't sports related but perhaps adjacent to sports or general men's interests. It is now becoming "Gawker" which, in my opinion, sucks.

I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.