At least the fans’ wrist shots were more accurate than the Flyers were.
At least the fans’ wrist shots were more accurate than the Flyers were.
NY values...added to the list of things the rest of the country can do without.
Because thats what his familys original name was.
Its ok to make fun of things people were born with as long as you dont like them! That is the culture of left wing acceptance.
This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Fuck street runners. “Oh the road is softer on my feet!” No, I hate you.
Eramo should get Hulk Hogan’s attorneys. I hear they’ve been killing it recently.
Are we going to have to read one of those insipid articles about how what’s his name has never had creamed honey after this?
Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an…
Get a real fucking job. Better yet, get two! You have the time because your kids don’t live with you!. You are a grown ass man, and the fact that you call yourself a writer does not excuse you from being responsible for the lives you created.
In purple - Hulk Hogan.
Ha! The smug shits are being so quiet about this right now. It’s GLORIOUS!!!
I hope you guys put 115 million on them to win.
Look at again. The lead driver was actively passing at the time, and staying left to leave a lane open for traffic merging in from the right. Immediately following the “brake check” the lead car safely merges right. I think this may not have been a brake check. They may have just been disengaging cruise control in…
If the Gawker media union allowed, or worse, actively solicited Jordan’s input on this you should publicly disclose it. I wouldn’t take restaurant advice from my 7 year old, because he refuses michelin star restaurants in favor of costco chicken nuggets and ketchup. But that reminds me again that Gawker media contains…
I was waiting all day yesterday for Jezebel’s take on this story.