
I'm starting to think Cosby's defense is to sound as senile as possible and hope people stop picking on the poor old senile person.

Didn't know you had an account on here, Anthony…

For what it's worth, Stewart hasn't exactly been shy about saying how much he disdains pretty much every facet of American media. I'm not shocked he gave the interview to the British paper.

I've been to too many dark corners of the internet. "Sounding" immediately made me think of something that….isn't suitable for broadcast on FX.

For those who haven't seen it, this is the best West Wing reunion moment:

I've never understood this argument because, off the top of my head, I can't really recall any specific times where Phil/Claire or Jay/Gloria have kissed either. Not saying it hasn't happened (I'm sure it has and I'm just forgetting), but this argument makes it sound like the straight couples are making out all the

This book is so damn good. Glad it's being made into a movie.

You probably shouldn't skip it then. Because he explicitly explains in the documentary that the money and the fans and the fame wasn't the problem. He likes being famous, he likes people, and he likes money. None of that is why he quit or "had a meltdown" (which is also untrue).

You can set damn near any montage of clips to "Rocket Man" and it will bring up feels in me. With as much as that show has often dabbled in and referenced that era of music, it was the perfect song to end the series on.

All fair points I wasn't really aware of/had considered before. I'll check that licensing post also.

"Basically, if everybody likes Frank's version more than Don's, then nobody will go out and buy Don's version."

I never really understood what grounds they had to sue Frank Ocean anyway. The song Frank Ocean did ("American Wedding") was released for free. Ocean just dropped it for free on his Tumblr one day. It was never for sale, never released commercially in any form. Frank Ocean didn't make a dime directly related to

This show hits every single trope of bad action movies ever. And I loved every second of it.

I genuinely think there's nothing on TV that makes me laugh harder than the sound Pam makes when she starts eating something. That grunt and slobbery eating sound kills me every time.

I've got one on my ribcage. And you're right, it was definitely the most painful of all the tattoos I have. But it wasn't start-crying-bad. And women are known to have a higher pain tolerance than men. I expected more out of a tough-as-nails war veteran.

Not only was the tattoo parlor scene ridiculous as it was, but as someone who has a LOT of tattoos, it was also woefully unrealistic. When she shows her tattoo and says she wants to "add one more of these here and one thing here" or whatever and the tattoo artist says something like, "Are you sure? That's a lot for

There were a billion questions about it actually, but he conveniently ignored every single one of them. He was perfectly willing to answer questions and talk about all his other old movies, but he didn't type a word about it. I loved the AMA but I still feel like he's being kind of a dick about the whole

C'mon now. We're pretty much all Outkast fans here, but Eminem is legitimately one of the greatest rappers to ever touch a microphone. Not saying he's better or worse than Outkast, but he belongs in the same sentence as anyone he wants to be mentioned alongside.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the re-design, but it sure sounds like you guys didn't have this shit even remotely finished before you put it out. When most of the major features are greeted with "coming soon" and "not yet but it will return eventually," then maybe your new layout wasn't quite ready for primetime

As a husband who has a wife who is always making us late for things, I related so much to Jay's seething barely concealed rage that it put me into a legitimately bad mood. I watched this and found myself getting mad at my wife because of Gloria's behavior.