
It worked out great in Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook!

On the plus side, it won’t kill everyone in an earthquake like the existing highway?

These forever-scrolling blogs are a freaking packaging nightmare.

I’ve read through this three times and I’m still not sure if I’m supposed to be picking what is better or what is worse.

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

But they’re never gonna survive unless they get a little crazy.

unless you’re that rare full-time healer.

Replace “karting” with any sport, and you have the problem with sports. Most sports are fun, most people who are into said sports are total assholes.

You’re in the wrong neighborhood boy

The bacon is the only dependable thing at a free hotel breakfast bar.

“We got to show off Sombra in ways that we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to. People get an idea of who she is and a little bit of her personality before we even unveiled her.”

Holy Shit! Washington State is ranked?!?!?!

Diablo 3? Instead of Diablo or Diablo 2? Seriously? I was excited about this article. Then I read it. Time to go home folks. Nothing to see here.