Patent from China? Probably a knockoff... How can we be sure its from Apple?
Patent from China? Probably a knockoff... How can we be sure its from Apple?
Why can't these kids just smoke weed
too bad its been overcast for the past two fucking days in chicago
@3Djesus: Phew I thought I was the only one
Yeah, I'm going to spend money on a device that my phone already does 100 time better.
@pixelsnader: I feel its a step in the right direction. What if instead of charging stations for electric vehicles spread out here and there, the road itself was a charger? The concept above could be changed not to be used souly to power a car, but to charge it when needed.
no tegra? no thanks.
Am I the only one worried about it caving in?
@benjgvps: oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Heres something I learned;
I though the LOST advertisement at the bottom was hilarious
This season is really turning out well, I was worried it would suck upon its triumphant return to television. (Especially since those movies they did kinda sucked)
A contest for the meteor shower would have been more fitting for this week..
You guys really need to hire a new camera man
@DaveExile: would be impossible to play
Honestly? My GTX 260 can run the game maxed @ 1080p without any issues...
I wonder if you could use that as a star tracker
Hey, they might steal some of OUR images.
How about you just don't use the phone while driving