
You expect me to believe that a man who would punch a woman would also make a gay slur?

Bombed Billikin Busser Bandit Bolts. Bad basketballers bummed.

When I first saw the grainy still shot and the hair, I thought this was going to be a classic Cheryl Miller article.

Just sounds like an opportunity for the mighty Green Wave, if you ask me.

I’m blaming the fuck out of her family. What kind of morons let an 8 year old drive an ATV? Unless it’s a child’s “My first ATV” type of thing

You know what Andy Reid finds even more enticing than Tony Romo’s busted ribs?

Have you ever disagreed with a staff member? They don’t like to consider the possibility they’re incorrect.

That’s clearly a ‘fucked’, not a ‘fucks’.

Burke, are you willfully misinterpreting “Steele *fucked* my mom,* or do we need to hook you up with some hearing aids?

With soccer the one thing you always have to be focused on is kicking the ball as hard as you can whenever it get anywhere near you. My question is, under new management, will these guys be able to do the one thing that matters in soccer: kicking the ball as hard as you possibly can whenever you have the chance.


he looks like an undercover death eater

Steve Bannon looks like the out of shape alcoholic posessed by the ghost of L Ron Hubbard puppeteer behind our current president.

Did I do that right?

Steve Bannon looks like a living ashtray.

It’s like Apex vs Starter all over again.

Nor is there need for an on-air personality calling players divas. How is that NOT personal?

The universe where people refuse to acknowledge that something from today can be as good as something from yesterday.

Was this a graduate program in borderline impolite stories of uneventful tedium?

Pictured: Gar Foreman.