
The implications of this for MtF's is huge. Also, the article covers some alternative uses that sound really amazing, and definitely warrants a closer read.

I never thought that I would like my Epic's camera as much as I do. I don't even touch my Nikon Coolpix any more.

@streeeeetch: Innocent until proven guilty, and simply looking at child porn does not make lead to molesting a child. Those are 2 big problems with your argument, and I wish I had the time and eloquence to make them into a nice rebuttal.

@shenanigans: The iPhone is not coming to Verizon. Stop beating that dead horse and get a Droid X already. It works fine out of the box, no need for "customizations". Just because your Android phone sucks doesn't mean they all do. Hell, come to Sprint and test out the 30day money-back trial period with a newer

I switched to chrome, then back to Firefox. I loved chrome's zippyness, but I hated how it handled downloads. It was clogging up my default download directory with temporary files that I just wanted to view, and it just wasn't smart on how it handled file extensions. Firefox works flat-out better, so I ditched

I'll admit that I havent read the article, but I'm here to point something obvious out. No, different languages do not equal different realities. They might effect how we view reality, but just because you think something is so does not make it so. Reality is not subjective, and if it was, it wouldn't really be

@mikehtiger: Christians have an odd claim to marriage that boggles my mind. They did not invent marriage and have no place in defining when we "the people" can use the word. If they want to use the word, they have to share it.

@CHARLIEBITME: Marriage existed before Christianity. I propose that it is the Christians that perverted it into what you describe.

@kingcrim84: it is the government's job to make sure new laws are constitutional. Prop 8 was unconstitutional, so the government was involved. I agree that we have more important things to worry about, but defending a minority from unequal treatment is pretty important too.

@Standish: A dog is not a person, and can not sign a contract.

@FriarNurgle: It is totally new internally, not "same ole". It might not have a front-facing camera, but when was the last time you have video-chatted? It's really an overblown thing unless you feel that you'd actually use it all the time.

$50 a month just for data + the extra 2 GB a month? $50 just to make this thing do what it's supposed to do? WTF, these wireless companies still figure out a way to nickle and dime us even after the FCC stepped in.

I got the mail at least a month ago. I didn't think much of it because OKCupid is always tongue-in-cheek and off the cuff silly, bordering on rude. That's their style and it has worked really well for them. They try to collect statistics on everyone's activity and they report it back regularly. As someone already