Peeking Out My Glass House

Maybe you can enlighten me as to my mistakes rather than flippantly claiming they exist.

Most of those “poor areas” are nice, but some are not.

it’s actually pretty good with Cap’n Crunch

In the future, before you hit publish, re-read your comments to yourself a couple times. Maybe you’ll see how you can’t even keep your own story straight at this point.

And do you really think that being a poorer part of a super wealthy area makes it a shithole? Usually, those areas are still quite nice. Maybe not so much if it can be segregated to a corner of town, but when they are surrounded by $1-2 million homes the neighbors usually don’t put up with crack dens in their backyard.

so what’s the maximum price of a home of someone who does drugs?

now would be a good time to remind you that those prices actually put them on a poorer side in the area. It’s almost like different states/cities have completely different costs of living. GASP!

you used to be one of the better writers here, which was fun because you were so new... then a couple people got their hands on you (mainly AB). Now you’re just angry all the time. It sucks. I want the old Chris back.

“I know if I just did one and really worked at that one side, I’d be a way better hitter than I am,” Hamilton said. “But it’s just something that I really haven’t talked to them about. I feel like if it keeps going the way it’s going, I’m going to have to be a man and tell them that I really want to focus on just one.”

show your work. I hope you don’t break your back moving all these goalposts.

maybe you should act like it is, Mr. Dumbfuck

12 seconds of research or reading the article would tell you this isn’t a $2 million trailer in Aspen

A member if the Winslow family is house shopping for his mother-in-law in a trailer park? lol c’mon now. I don’t think he was burglarizing it, but I’m not buying that story either.

I’m trying to figure out if the Purdue anchor was tired that last 50, or if she was letting up cause she thought it was won.


what kind of shitty bar are you in where you can hear each other while whispering?

and Anne Hathaway’s transformation to a Lifetime actress has begun

call me when you learn the following

right. None of that changes how dumb of a qualifier that was by Burke

do you have mirrors in your house?