I had a girlfriend who interpreted the top symbol as "Snakes following your car."
I had a girlfriend who interpreted the top symbol as "Snakes following your car."
It happens to everybody from time to time.
@Marko Moskov: I believe it's essentially a die for straightening out damaged threads. For that matter, the thing in the valve stem taps out the internal threads.
@peejaybee: Oops, no it's not.
@icntdrv: That's Mike Conway at the most recent 500.
Heh, I just got through watching this because a bud from a previous job worked on it, and now I'm seeing it here.
@maximum_sarge: ...and the guy who's going the same speed as you is the idiot who won't get out of your blind spot.
Tennessee actually has a law that says that if you're going ten or more MPH under and you have five or more cars piled up behind you, you have to pull over as soon as it's safe and let them pass.
This makes me REALLY want to hit Craigslist now. I've been looking for a highly-reliable, sorta-fun daily driver — maybe I just need a sorta-reliable, highly-fun weekend driver. Even if I never enter a race with the thing, what a blast I could have.
@mytdawg: Dude, I can turn Guinness into that for you, long as you like it warm!
Talk about a hot tranny mess. #jeepwrangler
Wow, this looks familiar:
It looks a lot like my Lancia Delta does in Forza.
Dude, I had one of those, although it was called a Dasher here in the US. Never put any sheep in it, though.
@chitownguy: Hahaha, my first thought was "The Hillside Strangler."
I really do like the SN197 Mustangs.
Why do I expect it to park and disgorge a ska band?