Paul Beardfacé

@Rosa Golijan: A trap where we say stuff we should keep locked-up in our insides, like "I wouldn't mind being one of those troublemakers you'd take down" or something about my bat giving a signal..

@stevewoz: Shows you're one of the good guys :-) You have great balance on that Segway being towed by a dog! with no hands!

@drokcab: Sweet thanks, that's the one I was looking for. I ain't to good with the words :-)

@Adam Pash: It looks like the extra posts are contained within an html 'ul' element with the id 'syndicatedTopposts'. If that helps

Mr Woz frequences* Gizmodo so we might be hearing from him soon, in the comments.

@Protector one: You can private message yourself with the link to your starred comment ([]). That's what I did when I found my first comment. Then it's always handy to get when you want to share it with the world. E.g. []

My wife mainly yells at me over housework because I don't do enough..

[Stuff] (Thanks Paul!)

@Bree L: In your defense it was right at the end of the article..

@TheOtherHalf: Was the joke the assumption that each download was a unique download, or that 1,596,270,108 is still half a billion more then the number of firefox downloads (meaning its not really close to everyone on the planet who surfs the internet)

@Phillip Deon: If you watch the video you see the monkey ripping the banana open with his teeth. The video above in the post was showing a method to avoid the need of teeth-opening

@Ian Katz: If I had to guess I'd say you come from a european country

@Kaneda: They should sell games on memory sticks to replace UMDs, i think

@LiquidGravity: Not necessarily, if the question "Exactly how many monitors is that on that desk?" is referring to the first picture of the desk for this post then 6 is the answer Lazarus was after.

@flunkycarter: They're not using Bicycle Enthusiast as a term for someone who rides a bike, not everyone who rides a bike will take it on the plane with them, where the enthusiasts are more likely to.