
To be fair, the heroes are not inexperienced when it comes to blowing up Imperial super weapons.

The title on the cover of the game says otherwise.

Your wisdom, in selecting October as the finest of birthday months, is undeniable. If I wore a fedora, I’d tip it to you.

Nothing, because PATRIARCHY! Mua ha haa.

I think they’re saying it without saying it. Amidala died, so who knows where her ship ended up. That it ended up with Palpatine would not surprise me in the slightest.

I want her to toss off a quick line about calling a droid to shut off the trash compactor in the nick of time.

Knowing how to spell it is nice. I’m not a fan of “creative” spellings. “Oh, no, you don’t spell it j-a-n-e, it’s spelled Ripple Rum Raisin but pronounced ‘Juh-ay-nuh-eee.’ Yes, with four syllables. Only stupid people who don’t stop to THINK for a second would try to spell it the old way. I’m such a free spirit!!!”

No way. Rigged voting. Bear of the Year is the bear that got to “assault” DiCaprio.

Reminds me of Kristen Schaal.

Usefulness is second to awesomeness. And while it’s great that this technique is actually useful, it’s pretty awesome to watch these little molecules do their things.

Were you as upset about the documentary/drama where Dubya was supposed to be assassinated?

I’m sure your son will be thrilled to receive the 2016 Wooden Stick for Winter Celebration Day.

I misread it as “brophene.”

Why? Y’all make everything else about Yes All Republicans.

They’re two, they’re four, death incarnate.

It’s a buzzword that has to be included, by law.

C’mon, PILF is totally classy.

Space Lincoln...or Abradolf Lincler?

I like the new version. I thought I’d hate those ample nacelles, but they just sorta work. Never did much care for the round nacelles on the original series Enterprise, though. Loved the look of the Constitution Refit and pretty much everything after that.

King sized bed - ye gods, yes. But at some point soon I have to replace the mattress, and...well, the house was empty when we moved the mattress in. Not so much now. Ugh.