Crazy Ivan

I bet thats exactly how Martin feels about his books and, in extension, the show, to get such an emotional response from something you created, to give others a view into your ideas on such a large scale must feel great.

The cover initial image makes me wonder why the GIF isn't an official art form. Just beautiful.

What!?! You mean that Monty Python and the Holy Grail is actually historically accurate!

There's always that one guy

Have you ever read Inherit the Stars? The book's plot is essentially that, but a little more complicated with much more speculation on the nature of this moon discovery.

On trays, I wholeheartedly agree, I had to replace a game system when the disc drive stopped ejecting. Luckily I recovered the disc, but still, a tray would have been much more reliable and repairable.

Not to be a hypocrite, but I do love the little clicks that my iPod keyboard makes, an imitation of the original.

"Is it live or is it Memorex"

I totally agree, when we made the switch to fluorescents, every thing looked so pale. The newer ones are better, but I'm still not a fan.

Reminds me of "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair, exploited workers, heavily processed meat, it's all there.

"I'd rather go to a regular theater, where people are actually polite"

I loved A Canticle for Leibowitz! In regard to to the article, I love how it transcended the post-apocalyptic genre in the 2nd and 3rd parts and comes full circle to pre-apocalyptic and brings truth to the saying "history repeats itself." Really ag ood read that doesn't rely too much on it's unconventional plot

I think the real point of the article was not that athletes should use science to avoid having to work for a win but to allow those who do work hard for their win to compete against those who normally do not have to due to a genetic difference.

"It's meta, Abed gets it"

I was thinking more along the lines of this

What is this? It looks hilarious!

So, you come across two lines, one with arrows on the ends facing out, the other with arrows facing in...

Ha! That was the first thing I thought of as well!

Well, we already have terraforming...

Ok, so if you were a member of an alien civilization that intercepted this GIF, what would it tell you of humanity. Discuss.