
Is there a gofundme page for him yet? If not, here’s some sample text:

You “discovered” this loophole the same way Columbus “discovered” America. Folks have been writing about the gift-membership angle for at least a year.

You “discovered” this loophole the same way Columbus “discovered” America. Folks have been writing about the

Danggit, I think they pulled the link. When I follow your link I get this:

More like hamhandedly trying to generate a conversation: I’m going to answer your question with a question. The thing is, unlike a lot of legal documents, the 2013 custody ruling was written in plain english. There is no ambiguity about how she felt about either party or why she ruled the way she did.

Read page 22 of the 2012 ruling about the visa lies. That ruling essentially blows up all of KR’s lies.

The ruling is such a great read. If folks actually took the time to read the decision, there is no way in hell they would support her B.S. statements. She did some reprehensible things in order to get full custody.