Fuck THIS Shit, amirite?
Fuck THIS Shit, amirite?
“Thank you for making our site’s community vibrant, intelligent, and fun!”
So basically only adaptations done by Frank Darabont? That scans, actually.
This. Very well put. Not all horror movies are going to be perfect. There is just something cinema-magic cannot do that your imagination can. Useless side note:: My favorite horror/scary/thriller/suspense whatever you want to call is it Event Horizon. I love it in all its cheesy gory glory.
The Good Place had the best first season of any comedy since at least Arrested Development, maybe ever.
It’s just... so dumb. SO. DUMB. Shit-talking the people who have spent the most time dealing with this threat to satiate your all-consuming need to appear “strong” and appease your base.
Correct. Hands down. I will fight anyone who disagrees.
Parks and Rec is the superior show.
I love my dead gray commenters!
This woman truly gives vapid, bubble-headed, bottle-blond, impossibly lacquered, veneered, entitled, ignorant, naive Republican women a bad name.
Almost any kind of Mexican breakfast is good. Salsa + eggs = awesome.
Gawker did some shitty things, but a billionaire being able to destroy a website because he doesn’t like what they said about him is terrifyingly distopian.
I remember a whole lot of people, including a prominent wingnut politician, (rhymes with Ghouliani) who forgot Bush was preznit during 9/11.
Ok. so I’m wrong. They’re wrong.
Remember when Kanye West stood next to a stunned Mike Meyers and asserted that Barack Obama doesn’t care about black people? Good times!
Also, remember when Kanye said “Bush don’t care about Black people”
Unfortunately, by Snopes publishing an article saying that Obama was not president during Katrina, they’ve only reinforced the Trumpists’ conviction that Obama was indeed president at that time.
Username/comment synergy!