
When I read this book a couple of decades ago it really opened my eyes to how I relate to people. At first I couldn’t figure out what my love language was, because I recognised and appreciated all the ways when people showed them to me. So then I considered what happens when someone does the opposite; if we never

I got the impression Fisk got richer because the destruction allowed him to buy land cheaply.

This is the first TV news from Marvel I’ve ever been excited about - they were some of my favourite comics growing up.

Just when I’d made a cool gif, too...

I thought this was going to be about route optimisation.

The greatest sense of wonder you’ve ever experienced almost definitely happened when you were a kid, probably a toddler or younger, and you’ve forgotten the finer points.

Hmmm...I looked it up in the dictionary, and it says “especially to orgasm”, which means not exclusively, which means you’re right.

Well, OK, if we’re talking about average people. I disagreed with the idea that anyone who truly understood the theory of evolution wouldn’t expect to find life in certain places.

He doesn’t need any rocks for help - he just needs a mirror and he’s good to go...

Yeah, I don’t think that really counts. Most masturbation is until release, which - at least for males - tends to inhibit the actual mating process for a while.

This gives a good indication for which awards people should submit their work...

I don’t agree with that. Given the theory of evolution (any model of it, really) and sufficient time (say, a few billion years) I would expect life to be in any environment it can get to that has a gradient for its extreme conditions. For example, hydrothermal vents can get super-hot, but there’s a gradient as the

I don’t get the Daily Show in my country, but that seemed to work. I would put it as an average level Jon Stewart show, but a big part of how good the shows are is what there to be talked about, and, of course, experience and finding-one’s-feet.

I actually managed to sign up, thanks to the leeway offered by Dr Jilly Dreadful. So thanks for posting this...

I sure hope so, or we have some next-level government brainwashing going on.

“Everywhere we go where there is liquid water, we find life,”

For a moment I mistook the scale and thought that light was going down the whole African continent. Then I realised that little triangle isn’t the Saudi Arabian Peninsula, and that river of light is contained in Egypt.

Yeah, the flooding took soil and silt from Ethiopia and deposited it below, but now there’s dams...

Sequels and spin-offs can be great when “has the same title as a movie you liked” isn’t the main or only selling point.

You need the right partner, though. Sometimes the other player is so useless it’s like you’re playing the single player version anyway but somehow have to play it for two people.