I’ll second this. The cats are the second greatest problem for the environment in Australia - habitat destruction from human activities is the greatest. No government has been very good, but the current government is so full of shit it’s not funny.
I’ll second this. The cats are the second greatest problem for the environment in Australia - habitat destruction from human activities is the greatest. No government has been very good, but the current government is so full of shit it’s not funny.
Australia is a big place with a lot wide open spaces far from the nearest road. An illegal cat farm would be a cinch.
AAARGH! I read, in what seemed like a reputable news source, that in the United States there was a manufacturing conglomerate that made more than 10,000 different types of products, and it was called ACME.
I’d like to point out that they’re idiots, but they’re a very well respected car manufacturer and I’m not. Still, I strongly suspect someone used the reasoning “if it evolved it must be better, and it must be better in this way” to think this was a good idea.
Alarm is off, but baby’s screaming.
How on Earth would someone think this fish has less drag than regular fish-shaped fish?
I was stunned to learn that ACME is a real company.
Most x-punk things aren’t really following the “punk” part, it’s just become shorthand for talking about an AU with different technology.
Well, that whole “macabre” thing was the “punk” part of the genre description.
Does anyone know how it’s predicted cane toads will get to SW Western Australia and Hobart? I tried following the links but couldn’t find it.
I think suggesting that Benedict Cumberbatch looks like a cane toad is unnecessarily mean.
But evolution doesn’t mean actual speciation. Trying to define scientific terms to combat misunderstanding in people who are determined to misunderstand science and scientific terms is a fool’s errand.
Oh rubbish. It was promoted as a remake of Ghostbusters except with female leads. If it’s a completely different movie, that’s what they should have said - It would have made a lot people a lot less concerned.
Is it that one of the books contains no words, and is therefore about nothing? It’s the only way there can be more books than there is words in the largest book.
Well sure, it needs to be at least a decent movie as well. But try watching it without the score sometime...a lot of scenes just don’t have the same effect. Of course, putting the Imperial March on something silly doesn’t create the iconic feeling we got in Star Wars. You need both to be great, hence, the music must…
I’m going to guess it’s great music. I think one of the main reasons Star Wars made such an impact was the music - when the Imperial March thudded through us in the cinema we knew something intense, and sinister, was going to happen, which made the guy in a black helmet a lot more scary.
Oh, what a surprise. The entire globe is covered by cloud except Australia.
Aren’t recipes supposed to be the starting off point? You read them to get the ingredients, try them a couple of times, then start experimenting...that’s what I always assumed.
My grandmother used to use chokos in her apple pie, and my mother always got offended at the suggestion that no-one could tell the difference.
The definition of scientize sounds like lyrics to a rap song.