Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.
Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.
Your point would be much better made if you weren’t such an asshole. Maybe work on that.
At his age I don’t think he cares about the taxes.
I read about this guy who tried to push that idea on everyone. Didn’t end too well for him.
Gawker is dead and a Trump presidency is alive. Fuck.
Why is it disgusting? I would not mind if he came to my HBCU. I support his right to speak and if my campus said we would host any candidate who got 5% or more, then we would honor our word. Even if it is person we do not like or have the same views.
Obligatory display of Goodbye, Horses.
Wake up, flames cannot melt metal wings.
Poor NSX. Trump probably grabbed it by the intake manifold.
See, I’m sure it’s informative, but then I’d have to listen to Malcolm fucking Gladwell.
Well the good news is, after Brexit, the years you lost over there aren’t worth as much in the US.
Doooo it for America!
You know what happens when you use the term “cuck” as an insult? You look like a pathetic coward, because only someone who’s immersed themselves in the internet alt-right echo chamber and is afraid to go out and interact with real people think that term is the devastating barb you silly chucklefucks believe it to be.
He got all huffy.
I got u fam.
I would argue that camera truck, smartly, realized he didn't have enough room to complete the turn before the downhill truck arrived.
What are you taking about? I am pulling for a frigate with real combat capabilities here, and letting less expensive, less complex assets that are built specifically for their mission to do the smaller littoral work. Please read the piece before going on some diatribe that throws in the discussion everyone off. And…
I always have and always will recommend "JOB: A Comedy of Justice". My favorite book of all time, by far. Made me a Heinlein fan overnight and completely reshaped my worldview on religion, dimensional reality, and preconceptions of social norms.