
1.5 hours is absolutely an acceptable amount of time. You always know when someone you’re dating is “playing it cool” by not texting you back right away even if they see the text. If that’s the situation, run—that’s a childish thing to do. Otherwise, if you’re happily in a relationship with someone and this is their

“Fetus” -> “extra small attached babyperson”

Those police officers should be in prison for endangering the welfare of a minor and for kidnapping.

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

Just because life is shitty as fuck elsewhere doesn’t mean we have to feel guilt for how “good we have it here.” Progress and equality are not mutually exclusive with backwards ass societies.

Wow. So they think that Democrats want to kill unborn babies, willy-nilly, up to a second before birth?? I guess this explains why they’d rather have Moore, because its either a child rapist or a baby killer.

Case in point: I don’t even know which member of Fall Out Boy you’re referencing, because I’ve heard stories about more than one.

As somebody who was real into that scene as a teenager—almost every single band in that scene had at least one guy doing this kinda thing, and everybody knew. The other guys in the bands, bookers, promoters, publicists, fans, journalists—everyone. The bands were mostly in their 20s, the fans were mostly teenagers, and

A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.

I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall

I really do wish I could say I’m shocked that he made his response to a terrible natural disaster about himself, but, well, here we are.

Because I am a millennial and we are trying to kill movies. Along with literally everything else. Because we are evil. (Also cause we are poor and can’t afford anything.)