
Omg, basically every other episode season 4 and on make me sob like a little baby...

I also do not take part.

you know how some people turn on background music while they're doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc? i turn on Parks and Rec. There are so many good and wonderful things about it that I just can't get enough. I'm convinced I would win all the P&R trivias and am on my 7th round of watching the show from beginning to

Done and done. Thank's Erin!

Unrelated, anyone want to hangout tonight at the graveyard? I'm feeling... thirsty.

The smallest park reunion gets me every. single. goddamn. time. GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH.

i think if i met her i would cry

Yes!! Parks and Rec is my comfort food, too!

My mom is Catholic and very much pro-life. However, she refuses to donate to most pro-life charities. Instead, she'll donate money to local women's shelters and such, to help out poor women who may find themselves pregnant and unable to financially care for the child. Even thought her and I may not agree on

Divorced and remarried families, especially parents, make for even bigger weddings. SO MANY PEOPLE TO INVITE. Of course, that's the well-adjusted divorced and remarried families who are happy to be in the same building for a celebration.

This. My fiance's first marriage was to the "wrong" person, so to speak. His family support the marriage to an abusive person and he realizes now that every decision he made to move forward with that relationship from day one was an awful one (minus his kids). Thus, when we get married next year, we will be

Agreed! One of the reasons that my husband and I have such a great marriage is because we have such supportive friends and family who want us to succeed!

that's easy if you live in a country with free speech in its constitution. Not so much if you live somewhere where anonymity is all that's keeping you from jail for criticizing the government . No, I don't have an answer.

Comped table means the entire process is free. Men, who buy the minimum in bottles don't pay cover or wait in line. Chicks who want to get free stuff because they are pretty, need to prove it for the investment to be worth the clubs money. This guy was a dick, but you have to be an ass just to ask for this without

Almonds are so damn good. And I am enjoying talking about all deez nuts with you. <3

In yoga school we were taught a nutritional component. Almonds are supposed to be superfooodz, but they instructed us to soak them overnight and remove the skins as they're hard to digest. Skinless almonds that have been dried are super good. I love almond milk so I'm going to take your word for it. The more you

Is this controlled for income and education? Because my understanding is that people with more education, and therefor greater income, are more likely to have kids later in life than less educated people who start (and would probably also finish?) younger. Having a higher income would also afford better healthcare, so

What's blowing my mind is that they want to base the FAFSA off of only family size and the previous year's income. I'm a financial aid counselor and I've seen it all. I've seen families with zero EFC's (which demonstrates high need) cut $18k checks per semester. There are plenty of people that no longer make a

I guess I only feel like a dick because we got married in Gibraltar (civil ceremony-wise) in February, and we are going to have this family/church thing in Romania next June. We seriously did elope—no one was there except for us, and only my sister knew beforehand—so it's not like I'm actually asking anyone to come to

i'm 36 and have been in 9 weddings and have attended many more. from engagement parties to bridal showers to bachelorette parties to the wedding gifts, dresses, shoes etc, i have spent THOUSANDS. THOUSANDS. then baby showers, housewarming etc.