
Do people really hate grad school that much? I got my PhD in (bio)physics a few years ago, and I remember actively avoiding the grad student self-flagellation, because it was such a bummer and so unconstructive. In fact, hearing it still makes me cringe because I'm not sure if people actually hated grad school that

Fuck those prosecution whores!

I realize there are children involved and I feel awful for those kids...

Can we stop for a second and discuss how absolutely stupid it is that instead of trying to make a job market for non-college grads, we now try to cram everyone, regardless of ability or desire, into a college degree?

You know, I don't have a huge problem with an adult admitting that an issue is complicated and trying to think it out. Transgender issues and rights are relatively recent discussion points, so I don't fault people in not immediately jumping to the "correct" conclusion and worldview. I'm not saying we should give

I am actually surprised. I figured they were in an open relationship.

I would think a lot of it has to do with more men working in the tech field, where you truly don't have to be physically in a building to do your job. I work in a tech oriented company, and no one cares if someone has to come in late etc. cause it's all project based. So if you meet your deadlines, your fine.

Make no mistake about it - there is no excuse for homophobic/hate speech, but I have to say, I still like Alec Baldwin. I think he's talented & intelligent. He's also made plenty of mistakes, but I don't mind that. He's a human being & if I had cameras in my face every time I wanted to buy a cup of coffee, I'd be an

Alec Baldwin is less sad if you imagine Jack Donaghy saying the things that come out of his mouth.

"I won't be in tomorrow, Lemon, I'm being subpoenaed by the Gay Department of Justice."

I don't understand enough about the technical elements of skating or the new judging system to properly opine. My biggest complaint is that watching the Olympic evening coverage provides me with absolutely zero assistance in understanding it better. The commentary couldn't be worse if the commentators were blind and

Yup. I completely understand now. Again, I apologize.

I am proud to say that I was born via IVF in 1989. I am a happy and healthy young woman, about to turn 25 in May—and my 3 sisters are happy and healthy young women, and they are also about to turn 25 in May.

What the fuck was the point of this post, though? That's what I'm really trying to figure out. She has "old lady" taste? So? Maybe she likes the aesthetic of Dynasty. Mature tackiness is very in right now. She's 21. She'll change her mind before the year's out. She's not messy? And? I don't leave pizza boxes all over

Do you judge all biological parents for not adopting, or only those with infertility?

Maybe stop worrying about how people choose become parents and start worrying about how smug you sound talking about something with which you seem to have zero actual experience.

Since it's already started, I'll put my inevitable grey comment here. It's not for infertile people, or people who struggle to conceive, to save the world & adopt all the babies. Fertile people are just as capable of adopting as those who struggle to conceive. It's not up to anyone but the parents to decide how they

My friends looked into adoption versus IVF. They could adopt for the low low price of 4+ cycles of IVF. They only needed 1 cycle. They knew they wouldn't need more than 2 cycles.

Yeah Poor Sophia living in a world where her folks throw her a fun-ass tie dye party and are nice and fair and invite all the neighborhood kids, even the religious whackadoo's son just in case they'd feel slighted if he wasn't invited.

Shit, she's gonna be a mess, having fun, learning good manners, wearing the shit