
I wouldn’t argue against that reasoning at all, but if you’re a law abiding citizen then you should not have to worry about the majority of proposals that the NRA is pushing back against so sternly. As a fellow gun enthusiast my whole life, the amount of paranoia towards the government that a lot of other enthusiasts

A little surprised they didn’t use the blank space to do something as a tribute to their history and Bruce McLaren. Have McLaren Cars with Bruce McLaren’s signature or something along those lines.

Who knew that this kind of protectionist measures would have unwanted consequences ?

Besides how hilarious that is, the new F-150's look quite good in person. Especially this trim. (the picture doesn’t look as good as in person...)

Yes, please vilify this liberal white man for speaking out against insensitive tone-deaf ads that misrepresent a famous social activist’s speech. Because social change is best fostered by reacting with absurdly illogical anger towards people who agree with you.

Fellow conservative here. You make a few points that I partially agree with, but on the whole I think you miss the mark.

Well I for one like it.Get off your high horses and just hear the words. Its about serving. However you take that, is completely up to you.

I think comparing this to the #metoo movement is pretty offensive to the movement that is based around sexual harassment. The grid girls were not forced to do this and they are also being paid to be there as well.

They should make an SUV

As an ICU nurse who loves to travel I do have a little trick using Triple Antibiotic ointment in my nose, especially when flying. Keeps the nasal passages from getting dry/cracked allowing infection and illness an entry into your system, with the added protection of the antibiotic. I also try not to touch my nose or

So, this is like Nissan’s version of Clippy?

While I admire the Apollo-like push to go do something we don’t know how to do yet, that challenge didn’t have direct consequences to everyday Americans in the way that mandating EVs will. I’d want to see an implementation-ready tech that solves most of the current EV downsides (at a vehicle level), so that investment

On that note, it appears they’re... around.

Neutral: Do you really care about how much of a U.S.-made car comes from the U.S.?

Dodge Demon people: “But can it pull the front wheels off the ground?!”

Jerusalem Post’s Twitter presence is strangely sub-par compared to most news services. They also seem to follow an awful lot of horrid trolls, which I assume is something automatic rather than by choice (they lean right but not that far right). Not surprised they messed up.

It’s just an easy and meaningless move, like everything else he “did” so far. All talk tweet no action. It pleases his base.

Ah, the new normal. Where protesting is anti American, but colluding with a hostile government is ok.