
Truly it makes one anaspeptic and frasmotic!

They can’t secede now, they have to get Trumples to Build The Wall on the dime of Blue State economies. They’re too busy poking at hornytoads with sticks while waiting for their gubbermint checks.

Certain movies will never allow me to take that phrase seriously. Not that I take much seriously to begin with.

“I’ve waited long enough already,”

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

“wasn’t in the spirit of the buyback.”

Because poor women make lawmakers feel better about themselves. Lawmakers can look at poor women and blame all negative circumstances and outcomes on those women and not the system that failed. Lawmakers get to pat themselves on the back for doing nothing to help.

It’s not just lawmakers. U.S. society hates poor people, period.

Why do so many lawmakers hate poor women?

I’d like to move to officially cut Texas from states receiving financial support from Blue states propping up their redneck asses. Get some straps on those cowboy boots, Billy Jim Bob Ray Cletus Junior.

It’s easy to grin

pile it on, no one gives a shit and it changes nothing but reminds us all anew (for the x time that day) how much this country eats shit


Just because things are still bad after their sacrifice, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be so much worse without it.

Its hard to see.

Receiving money from a foreign government is, in fact, an impeachable offense under the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

That’s not petty of you at all. She’s a hateful bigot. I don’t care what happens to her either.

A lot of people DIDN’T survive Bush the Lesser.

Its time to fight, not cry.

Look, I’m just as disappointed in this election’s outcome as anyone. But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it? Seriously, put on your fucking big boy and big girl pants and start figuring out what to do now. Jesus fucking
Christ on a stick.