Peameal Bacon

I don't understand. What was the benefit of doing that?

What is this, 1985?! No, you cannot catch Clon-junctivitus from hugging, kissing, making out, sharing a water glass, or a toilet seat!

Caused by a bad reaction to their castor oil?

The most shocking twist of the episode for me was that there really was a stash of butter - I had assumed all the butter talk was just more of Helena's (and her scorpion patronus's) food fixation. That was a nice payoff.

I thought the lady bartender looked a lot like Tatiana Maslany. For a second I thought she was yet another clone.

Finkel is Einhorn … Einhorn is Finkel.

Cosima's date on seeing her: "I saw your pictures but are you sure you're in the hard sciences?" Sick burn by the lib arts degree writers.


Is there any evidence for that? We know that Ned wanted to keep Jon closer and more involved than Cat did, but is there anything showing that Ned wanted to legitimize Jon?

And, in particular, King Aerys executed Lord Rickard Stark (Ned's father) by burning him alive. (His eldest son, Brandon, was killed by strangulation - his neck was restrained in such a way that he caused himself to strangle as he struggled to help his father as he was being burned.)

What is a "Knight's Watch"?

I'm sorry, I can't disclose any information about that customer's secret, illegal music payola scheme.

Well, it seems like the military project has some US involvement. The line about going to Arlington seems to confirm that. It could be that project has some Canadian contribution or presence.

Is assuming that Americans would laugh or scoff at a confirmed Canadian stereotype really the same thing as hating Americans?

Are you thinking of this:

That's a whale of a tale.

For the kind of book readers who discuss the books in online forums, at least, it is.

Yeah, when Janos Slynt cried for "mercy" and Jon hesitated… I wondered.

Worst case of defenestration since that last time Bran went climbing.

That's more of what you'd call a "guideline" than an actual rule.