Peameal Bacon

My dad is interested in aviation, the space program, and history. He loves watching documentaries.

I had never heard of the "Canuck letter", so I looked it up:
From the Wikipedia article:

I don't know if you're scoffing at "kph" for the same reason I am, but it is such an ugly compromise that is worse than doing it either of the other ways: km/h or MPH.

Any encounter with a Newfoundlander will eventually, given enough time and alcohol, include them good-naturedly asking you if you know any Newfie jokes that they haven't heard yet.

Except that Newfoundlanders have a sense of humour about themselves.

I also like Sacha Baron Cohen, but I don't think it's safe to conclude that just because someone is religious that it means they put more delicacy and thought into anything than anyone else would.

Yes. Yes, we do.

I'm not British, but I'll try to translate "off-licence". The licence in question is a licence to sell alcohol. An "off-licence" means a licence to sell alcohol to be consumed off the premises. The term is commonly used to refer to places with such a licence. So, in other words, a place that sells liquor and beer.

That's exactly what a witch would say.

we're the only animals who not only torture, but also have the capacity to get a thrill from it.

That reminds me of some old cartoons from the 40s and 50s where washing machines and refrigerators are treated as aspirational items.

My only regret is that I have Boneritis.

Thanks for correcting my (mis)quote and providing an interesting analysis of why the priest would have chosen his words as he did.

Don't be ri-dic-oo-lus.

And this offends you as a Jew?

Is it illegal to have a fictionalized version of a real company and a real person on a TV show without their permission? Was it also illegal to feature the NY Yankees and George Steinbrenner?

Just because the honour roll student who got knocked up is in high school, that doesn't mean the knocker-upper is. Maybe the person with the "My kid knocked up your honor student" sticker is talking about their 30-something child.

I've seen a few of them in southern Ontario.

They'd probably tell you, "Oh man, you're right, religion is horrible. That's why I'm not religious. Religion is man-made, but I have a personal relationship with Jesus."

Ann Coulter is Andy Kaufman.