Peameal Bacon

How do you know that?

Sarah has been living in Canada since she was a young teenager, I think. (I'm a bit hazy on the timeline.) So, probably not. I think accent is largely set, or at least heavily influenced, as an elementary-school-aged kid, but slang is more set in your teens.

Yeah, and I didn't mean my comment as a knock against the show so much as a knock against Cosima. If I had been in Scott's shoes, I wouldn't have been personally offended but more annoyed at a continuation of nerd stereotypes.

For a second I was incredibly confused, because I read "sterile technique" as "sterilization technique" and I thought you were referring to the method used to make the clones infertile. I was so confused because I couldn't figure out why you needed to be so careful to prevent your corpses from getting pregnant.

The "he's a virgin" crack seemed a bit odd, considering that all he did was show expertise with old hardware. It was sort of The Big Bang Theory humour.

I took these notes during commercial breaks.

The Faceless Men don't necessarily charge a huge amount of gold - they charge a huge price for the person paying. So, yes, a rich man would have to pay most of his fortune. Whereas a poor man might have to give up his hovel or his child or something.

Post on my webzone if you want a pizza roll.

Counterpoint: Strange Brew is the best version of Hamlet.

All hail the commander of His Majesty's Roman Legions, the brave and noble Macus Vindictus!, who returns to Rome after winning a great victory over the cretins at Sparta.

Make that: the Spartans at Crete!

There are grey hereos but also grey villians, and people who are just plain grey.

Selfies delenda est.

Wouldn't unscented meat be really weird?

u wot m8 i swear on me mum

Or 2π seasons.

In the last episode of season 3, after Davos had learned to read while imprisoned, he freed Gendry so that he couldn't be sacrificed by Melisandre. Then, when he was getting in shit from Stannis and seemed likely to be tossed back in prison or executed, he showed Stannis the letter from the Night's Watch asking all

I think Winterfell will always be in the credits because it's a 'special' place for us viewers, even though it has been ruined and abandoned for the last two seasons. Also, a smoking Winterfell in the opening credits is a good reminder and tone-setter at the start of each episode.

Po-ta-toes. The Gaffer's delight, and rare good ballast for an empty belly.

‎I thought it was actually a good impression of the way many of the hick rural Canadians that I went to high school with talked when trying to be tough and intimidating. But then they said the character was from Cincinnati, and I was confused about what the accent was supposed to be.

I thought Ashes to Ashes was the sequel to Space Oddity, not to Life On Mars.