Peameal Bacon

Sonia was pointing out a way that Americans tend to get it wrong, by blithely summing up that shared monarchy as "the Queen of England", which gets it doubly wrong, leaving out the 15 independent countries other than the UK of which she is Queen, and also mucking it up for the UK, too, by calling them all "England".

I don't think that Sonia meant that Americans directly conflate Canada, Australia, Jamaica, etc with England, but that Americans do tend to sum up the fact that Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of sixteen independent monarchies (the "Commonwealth Realms"*) by calling her the "Queen of England", even in American news

"She's got one in the oven, but it's nothing to do with me."

Yours is the first comment I've ever read with "jail cell" and "ripe" in it, without me thinking there was a typo.

Dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

The phrase is "just deserts", where "desert" is an archaic word related to "deserve" and has nothing to do with the word for a place with a very dry climate.

Only Anglo-Saxon swear words? So "damn" is right out?

Double dumb-ass on you!

Yeah, but "Cold River: The Place Of Screams" is just a name.

Don't call me this.

I'm really liking the complicated, messy, shifting in-fighting among the Dyad Institute factions. And how Leekie, even though he does some unethical stuff and manipulates and lies, is not just a cardboard cutout only interested I'll making our heroines' lives miserable, but has some dimension and attachment for them.

‎"Don't call me this."

Harry Mudd or GTFO.

I hope it's Trelane.

Henry Francis is an OG (old grump).

"Don's a monster." I don't get that sentiment about Don. I don't specifically mean John's or Mrs T's sentiment, but even John, who is a fan of the character of Don, called him that. And he's frequently mentioned in the same breath as Walter White and Tony Soprano, as an example of the trend of "anti-heroes" in

And I picture all the fans of classic Simpsons as Little Bill - the guy whose wife repeatedly and flagrantly cheats of him, until he finally murders the two offending parties and then shoots himself in front of everybody.

Stop triggering me!

You said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet.

He doesn't even know The Simpsons is still on the air. Sure, he cashes the checks….