Yes, over the past decade, I've had a major problem with early climax.
Yes, over the past decade, I've had a major problem with early climax.
That's something A Song of Ice and Fire gets right. Lots of people with the same name. Lots of people of generation n named after whoever was king or the local lord paramount of generation n-1.
It's a Canadian, thing, too, for bars and restaurants to be expected to carry (at least) several brands of beer.
From the way Todd described it, it's the stupid-person's version of in media res that he doesn't like. Where it starts with the cliff hanger and then immediately jumps back to explain how it got there during the same episode.
I haven't seen this episode, but maybe people kept referring to "the man in the teal hat" and "the man in the tan hat" and all the characters could clearly tell who was who….
I can't imagine a mainstream live-action comedy nowadays featuring a child being shot and killed on screen.
It wasn't just a statement of preference; she said the plot was harder to follow because it was shown in black and white.
I’m terrible at watching anything in black and white, so it took me a bit of time to piece the plot together.
Yes, I did.
I don't believe the term spiritual is verboten in conversations about how we see our universe through the lens of the hard sciences.
And the Queen of Canada has already appeared on Canadian TV with a special message to Canadians.
One problem with the word "spiritual" is that it is so vague.
And now it turns out she is a MILF.
I think History of the World, Part I actually gets better with repeated viewings. It is funnier when you know every bit by heart.
Most episodes of The Golden Girls are pretty funny as long as they don't include visits from relatives (children, grandchildren, sisters) of the main characters, Sophia making friends with children or fellow oldsters with cancer, AIDS, dementia, etc, or plots that involve teenagers being "bad" that seem as if they…
Having never seen an episode of it, I was shocked to see Sex and the City on that list. Is it a sitcom?
I have a friend who told me, when Malcom in the Middle was still airing, that he loved it because it reminded him of his family. I thought, "Are you saying your mother is a horrible bitch?"
I'd love to see an alternative version of Ghostbusters that is pretty much exactly the same as the current version, except instead of the ancient Near East tribal deity whose followers are attempting to bring about the prophesied destruction of the world being Zuul, it is Yahweh. And then, like in the current version…
Pier Paolo Pasolini’s The Gospel According To St. Matthew doesn’t so much attempt to deify Christ as return him to the sort of figure he is throughout the Gospels, someone who would have very much enjoyed breaking bread with Pasolini, the sort of person the modern church might push away. Throughout the Gospels, Christ…
Maybe it was an inspiration for the airing of grievances during Festivus.