I hate when people are like "my kid helped cook this". I'm like... Don't they still suck on their fingers and touch nasty things. Never eat food cooked by children.
I hate when people are like "my kid helped cook this". I'm like... Don't they still suck on their fingers and touch nasty things. Never eat food cooked by children.
lol keep trying to catch up
Lol All Star Wars lore is bad lore.
So she makes less money when she works overtime? Lame. I get double time when I hit 40. So an extra 20 hrs doubles my paycheck.
AC is still my favorite game of all time to this day. I've wanted this so long I like cried a little when I read this article. I've never been so excited for a game in my life. And Linux?! OMG YES
Basically if there's ice climbers I'll buy a Wii U, and if there's not I won't.
Nooooooo!! NO NO NO NO. DO NOT TEACH ANYBODY tags. They're deprecated. Noooo!
I love themer.
Megan Fox plays April O'Neil. It could not get worse.
Please be the nail in this bitchs coffin.
Owen I wouldn't tell anybody you thought it was IM-GURRRRR. Lol. Obviously imager.
Except they're awful animals.
Except they're awful animals.
Except they're awful animals.
Except they're awful animals.
You mean it's not just about trying on different clothes like X2?
Too bad it doesn't matter because cities are still smaller than Sim Towns.
I make my own themes all the time. Its endlessly customizable. Just start with any theme, delete all widgets, add however many homescreens with whatever backgrounds you want, then keep using the Themer Everything widget.and make your own theme. You can edit any theme. Just hold on the homescreen and select unlock…
Why use anything besides Themer?
I think its also important to specify which ones can be hosted in house on your own server and which have the potential pf shutting down because theyre just websites.