
But remember, there'd be a hole in the panel for the cables to enter & one on top for, at least, signal & power to the monitor...maybe even keyboard & mouse; possible even a USB hub for mp3 player, camera, cell phone, usb sticks(if not using the front connectors on the case).

1. Well, yes, but the 3rd is generally doesn't change by a drastic amount quickly.

Not to mention that most people can barely handle the two dimensions of ground based vehicles. Just imagine the mess if your average person were required to pay attention to what was happening around them in all three dimensions?

right. and there are the different activities involved...

I don't think they shouldn't, but they wouldn't be quite as far along in the design/production process as it might seem... The tech has advances in the last 20+yrs & the personnel have moved on to other things.

Really? What with? All the existing "ships" were only testing platforms. The one called Buran... i.e. that one that actually did fly was destroyed when the roof of the warehouse it was in collapsed from too much snow/water accumulation. Great if it did... but they'd have to start almost from the very beginning.

3. Any back-up program that makes an image of my data in any way, shape, or form is out. I want a simple 1-to-1 back-up system. [ Used Novastore (or some such) @ the office... restoring a file from the 30+ DVD size files it had to look thru took forever, and backing up everything, every time took more time than

So, a jackass to the very end, then? And killed a friend?? Asshole as well, it seems.

ok... not true "LEGO® bricks are manufactured at the Group’s own factories in Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic and Mexico. The locations have been selected in order to be close to the Group’s most important markets in Europe and the USA." — [aboutus.lego.com] 2010 Company Profile. tho they do seem to also produce some


well... first thing.. It'd only work with people who actually call to let you know they'll be late.

Not even if she had told him she was 18? Don't know if that happened in that case, but it does happen. Her actions make him a criminal, when he had no criminal intent. He then faces very real, very unpleasant consequences for _her_ actions/decisions, and she faces no negative repercussions at all...

Yeah, I never had much luck with the search for things in outlook; and I can't hardly EVER find what I'm looking for with the new, improved, fancy search in Vista/7 and that they tried to cram into XP. That everything program is even more useless. I miss the classic search from 2000 & XP, I always found what I was

The part I think is the saddest is that at some point after any place closes, is that if somebody wanted to reopen the place, it would cost more to fix everything than it would to just doze everything and start from scratch.

Perhaps now that he's fought back, the bullies will be less inclined to harass Casey, he won't live the rest his school years repressing the rage bullies instill in their victims, ignored by the adults he might complain to, and he won't feel his only recourse is to come to school armed...

@originofautism: Given what humans do to each other on a daily basis... I not sure that's such a bad plan... sadly

@DJKGinHD: and it'd be nearly impossible to find any of your files.... and when you did, it'd wouldn't make any sense.

@grayman: Sort of like a phone that can't remember to have it's alarm function work two new years in a row & that has issues with, you know, actually making phone calls...

When I was in my apartment (double studio) & not having much storage space, I'd put my sheets in storage totes stacked on top of the built in hutch/captains bed thing with a bar of soap. The smell always lasted longer than with dryer sheets.