
@perditamarie: Sounds more like an asshole. I know/have met people that act like that to cover up their own frustration/anger; doesn't matter if you're male of female, just a quick "Geez...calm down!" and 9 times out of 10 their prophecy is fulfilled and then they've just brought the other person down to their level.

@claudinelonget: Robert Ludlam. Man has random adventure happen, uncovers crazy underground plot to rule the world, discovers that he can kick serious ass, proceeds to do so while attracting a formerly enemy-of-my-enemy female and overcoming insurmountable odds to single-handedly save the planet, a feat that no one

I wish I could go use the services private company without being treated like a criminal by the government at every step of the way.

So...we have a proven attention addict who claims to have dirty pictures (identifiable by a WATCH!!!) and voicemails, but is unwilling to back it up by providing the aforementioned evidence...sounds legit...

I'm curious how people feel about female-to-male abuse. I've been in relationships where my girlfriend would occasionally be mad at me and slap me or start hitting me in the shoulder or chest. If a man did this to a woman it would be completely unacceptable abuse, but for me I (to some extent) shrug it off and write

@SpicyCheeto: Ironically, and you may be able to tell me if this has changed, the exact opposite is true in the case of abusive parents. Working at a YMCA we were told that if we ever suspect an abusive situation, we should tell our boss, who would then likely contact CPS.

90% of these bastards. Nine times out of ten if I'm stuck at a red arrow there's no conceivable reason why I shouldn't be able to turn. State of MN tried out a "flashing yellow" arrow ("go if you feel like it") after 10PM at a fairly infamous intersection near where I used to live; I hope it caught on.

#1 is ridiculous. Unless this is talking about a passenger messing with the mirrors or the driver's seat that you are currently in; you've no reason to bitch about it. Passenger doesn't want their knees on the dash? Let them adjust their seat.

She bought night vision scopes that you can't export without a special license with the intent of selling them for massive profit back in Russia. Not exactly spying...

@Middleswine: I smoke in my car, but only with the windows down all the way, blowing the smoke and ashing out the window. I try to keep it clean and, at least with the conditions I put on it, if I vacuum the interior thoroughly every month or so, you couldn't tell it's smoked in. My car's only worth about $3K though;

@7shades: The car your car could smell like: I find the hardest part is looking the wrong way first at stop signs. Going from driving on the right to driving on the left [side of the road] I always look left first, see it's clear, then start to ease out while while I start to look right...then slam on the brakes as

The oil pan industry must be thriving there...

Now playing

Perhaps not so infamous, but this one sticks with me...

@SkyLab: Yeah Vaseline or copying the key moving my car around randomly would not end well...

Right hand drive? That's a dealbreaker right there...