
"but , if we don't make it look like a wrangler , no one will know it a Jeep ."

how appropriate ... I can neither edit or delete my post ...

if you have to provide instructions (http://observationdeck.io9.com/the-kinja-1-2-…) on how to use a website , it doesn't work . people who love these websites find it difficult to use and talk about leaving . what happens when NEW people get here ? answer ... they will leave .

this song kicks so much ass , it can't be measured with current technology .

I knew Doug when he was just an awesome dude on Oppo ...

yeah , I'm near Beaumont , Texas , and you are correct .

what do you call "far east Texas"?

who borrowed a what ?

glad I could introduce you to the Awesomeness that is Randy Mamola .

where's the Miata ?

how bout Chevelle .

obviously , the clutch was pre-production , as the actual factory spec for clutch travel is , I believe , 3/4 of a quark .

oooh ... let's mix this and skid-plate racing and make it a series...

wow...camera dude almost took one for the team !!!

really? I missed that one...

I had a Buick Reatta...people constantly wanting to race and all I could do was shrug...

maybe read the third paragraph...

love me some guru meditation...

that's an excellent idea...maybe you should look into it !

yea, but for a celebration, I would have expected something, for lack of a better word, prettier .