
Loved this movie, LIVED for the soundtrack. It was great to see siblings play siblings. “How exactly do you suck a fuck?”


It’s not that they don’t have basic training, it’s that they constantly get away with ignoring their basic training.

They do it because 99% of the time they get away with it.

Because people must “respect their authoritai!”. It’s the same man-child mentality we’ve been seeing a lot of lately. If they don’t get their way they get really cranky and then they break the law.

Pretty sure it helped the arresting officers. I’m sure they’ve already benefited from a high profile arrest, and receive no consequences for some ruling about rights 2 years later.

Why is it so hard for police to understand that denying people their rights helps no one; not them, not the DA, and not the people they’ve arrested.

The Mel Brooks bit reminded me of a conversation from last night. My book club read The Princess Bride and we were discussing it last night. Everyone else was very annoyed by William Goldman’s writing style, but he’s of the same school as Mel Brooks. I, on the other hand, absolutely loved the writing style and got a

As I Jew, I speak for all the sane Jews*, when I say we fucking hate Miller, Kushner, and Ivanka. Fuck them and allowing themselves to be used as tokens. Fuck them and how they misrepresent our values to the world. Fuck them for providing anti-semitism a voice.

I’d like to point out it’s not just maybe you can’t afford to take a day off, but also maybe you’d be doing harm if you did. I’m a social worker and my whole office is female. We can’t just leave clients hanging a day because of this. Or think of hospitals- if a good portion of employees take off, that would harm

Well, if we’re gonna keep going west like that, I’d like to nominate Holyoke. I was in a metal band in college with 4 guys from there. Jeezus...

Revere (Reveah)!


Welp Jezzies, I got dumped yesterday. I’m bummed. We were only seeing each other for a couple months, but I feel that I invested an immense amount of emotional energy into this relationship. When we met he was starting a new job and I really supported and encouraged him. And I was happy to do that! I am starting a new

So y’all didn’t really cover Salma Hayek and Shirley MacLaine’s attempted silencing of Jessica Williams.