
That’s honestly the gist of the kind of articles Grayson writes here. The subject has unfailingly always been about attractive female streamers, and he’s putting the spotlight on them. It comes across as him doing it to get the attention or get into the good graces of these streamers, and combined with creepy stories

Oh yeah, I’ve actually got that one on my bookcase here at home. It’s pretty nice. The funny thing, though, is I also have a couple of the World of Nintendo Mario figures and those are honestly not that far behind it in terms of quality (at least, that’s the case with the Mario figures; the others don’t look nearly as

They’ll never do it, but they really do need to let Yokotaro make his own Final Fantasy game. Nier Automata surprised the shit out of me over how much it pushed the boundaries of JRPG storytelling I like me some classical RPGing (see Dragon Quest XI), but I’m getting tired of watching the same anime tropes play out

What gets me about this moronic narrative is that Trump of all people, is the paragon of morality that is leading this offensive against pedophiles and sex trafficking.

Now playing

They’re well disguised. If you can’t find any of them without getting shotgunned or sniped, you got some. If you can, and/or are the shotgunnering or sniping, then you are one.

Jason was the Poochie of comic books. I was one of the death votes.

You’re dumb. How bout that for an opinion

I didn’t think season 2 was that confusing. If at all I thought it was really good! I loved the Maeve/Shogun part of the show. Probably my favorite of the whole series. I may have to go back and binge S2 before the new one starts.

It’s almost like some people find certain things funny, while others don’t.

I don’t recommend anyone ask to recline unless they intend to yield if the other person denies their request.  It is super rude to ask with false pretense.  Expect you will be denied. Travelers are very petty, entitled, bitter.

You are jumping from the telling of jokes directly to angry mobs committing violence. Jokes, even tasteless jokes don’t immediately cause the population at large to break out the torches and pitchforks. Humor doesn’t just come out of happy times. Most often humor comes out of tragedy, disaster and times of stress.

You sound upset Beth, and I can’t figure out why.  You clearly want to see racism in this, people responding to you with contrary opinions should give you more support for your already firm position that the world is full of racist jerks that you can feel superior to.  You should be very satisfied at the contrary

Imagine having the title “Senior Health Editor” and posting an article telling people to get their flu shot if they are scared of coronavirus. You do realize that would literally do nothing, right? Never use the title “Senior Health Editor” for the sake of readers who don’t know better. Change it to “Senior Outrage

I definitely feel the onus of providing for the picky kid falls to the parent, not the host, when attending a dinner party. They should bring something to serve their child that isn’t going to make more work for the host or interrupt the flow their dinner prep, like something in a container they can ask to microwave

I mean, fuck yes to Kingpin, but also 1000000% fuck yes to Shogo MAD!!!

I have been curious about goat simulator but not enough to buy it, so this pretty perfect 

This article is ignoring the complicated psychology of the character in order to satisfy the thesis. The author even acknowledges that the show depicts the power and sexuality of Yennefer. Other characters are basically telling her that she’s fine the way she is but she doesn’t believe them or in herself.

Yennefer’s transformation is just one of several media performances wherein a disabled person is magically cured to promote the idea that normality equals physically abled.

A. The only thing worse than autoplay is autoplay with sound. I know I’m speaking to the choir, but seriously. Fuck autoplay.

A plain red shirt is admittedly also much easier to animate than one with a distinct pattern like that on it.