
Here’s my review:

I wonder if the rankings would have changed if you brought the sauces to a simmer and then mixed in spaghetti or linguini, rather than bread. Bread is generally sweeter, while cooked pasta would be saltier.

Counterpoint: everybody is an asshole if you catch them at the right moment. For some, that moment lasts from the moment they first form speech to the moment they die and for others these moments are infrequent and only under specific circumstances. The difference between an asshole and an Asshole is one feels bad

I just take all of those Amazon boxes I get and cut off the top flaps. Perfect size for 12 socks, 12 pairs of underwear, or 6 folded & vertically-stored shirts! $0

I just take all of those Amazon boxes I get and cut off the top flaps. Perfect size for 12 socks, 12 pairs of

Dont forget they turn around and ask for donations that go towards their tax write-offs. Makes my skin crawl when I see that filth everywhere now...

Screw the stupid videos in place of words (and screw Jim Spanfeller for this fucking stupid idea).

Dread the day this site reminds us all that Rebecca Black’s “Friday” was a thing.

Unless more information comes available, I’ll file this under: “Akward scientist guy being akward”.

I wish they would learn their lesson and not penalize people for losses. It doesn’t show skill to me, all it shows is tolerance for bullshit. No only that but it tends to force people to play more conservatively which also isn’ as fun. You also can’t always choose your teammates. By all means, reward more points for

Great list - pretty much agree on all points, but I would def add the following:

lol no, what "folks"? 3"journalists" and about 5 people on Twitter? This is another attempt at manufactured controversy and you know it..

I think it’s a ‘death by a thousand cuts’ thing. Combined with the blatant stereotypes folks previewing the game have called out and their history of anti-trans messaging (purposeful or not) folks assumed the worse.

I pre-ordered the hell out of it. No other game has given me so many hours of fun, for so little money. They have missteps, for sure, but overall the quality is stellar.

My suggestion, go read in anticipation for the next thing.

Or we could continue to use the word that means exactly what they are being?

If there’s a dish that takes the prize for biggest misnomer, this is it. You can’t find ‘Singapore noodles’ in Singapore.

It’s also common in Latin America. You don’t get kicked out of your home at 18 and called names for staying longer, even if it’s the financially responsible thing to do. 

I really really thought we’d put all that “living with your parents is super lame” thing behind us already. There are so many valid reasons why people choose to live with their parents!

I didn’t know he was in the EGOT club!

married to singer EGOT-winner John Legend,