
Definitely read it, but point still stands. Why allow nonsense like this to continue/promote it when it’s not representative in any way. Also showed to HK friends and none of them have heard of it. But then again they do regularly get up to nonsense over here. “American Fried Rice” for a long time in Bkk had a sad

This is what it’s been for some time sadly. We’re all in the rain circling around with them. Careful pointing it out, btw, it’s a surefire way to get greyed. They don’t take feedback anymore, sadly.

This site used to make me productive as hell. Now it just tells me what people on reddit are talking about or asks me to

F for these sites in general since Kinja came along.

Get a Whirly Pop, stand over the stove and hand turn it. It takes exactly the same time as microwaving (at best 1 or 2 minutes more). Popcorn is wayyyy better, way more control over the results and people actually enjoy making it together. It’s really a lot of fun and worth that tiny bit of extra work. Plus

Get a Whirly Pop, stand over the stove and hand turn it. It takes exactly the same time as microwaving (at best 1 or

I’m going to go out on a limb and expect that even the refund rollouts will be buggy and frustrating to make the experience go full circle. 

If you don’t want someone reclining, adult up and upgrade your seats. If you don’t, you don’t get to complain. End of story. It’s called cattle class for a reason. 

It absolutely wasn’t made for Korea and is that is definitely a valid reply in this instance (The actors used are a dead giveaway). If they used an Old Korean designer talking to a young one maybe could make a case, but this was obviously made for other markets and brought over. That someone stretched it this far

Damn! Projectors from 2009, the Cosmos 1080p is taking aim! Better watch your backs LOL.

Damn! Projectors from 2009, the Cosmos 1080p is taking aim! Better watch your backs LOL.

No part of Fallout 76 has enjoyed a good, smooth or enjoyable launch. This thing lumbers forward like it was cobbled together during an actual apocalypse. Team behind this is literally rewriting years of fan goodwill with each release. At this point it almost seems like it must be intentional. Like were they that

Do you still get the discount if you haven’t tried them (sort of a Demetri Martin reference)

Do you still get the discount if you haven’t tried them (sort of a Demetri Martin reference)

Someone needs to do a mashup of this list and Trump saying “all the best people” LOL

Bring some matches and make a field of popcorn.

Since we have a “kill three mind” bounty in the vex offensive in this season's achievements....it'll be the mind ikoras been yammering about this season. 

I came here to make a separate point but need to start with this: VAULT???? Who on Earth is writing this article? Have they played Destiny in the last 4 years? Use an app people. This guy’s giving you advice from month 2 of Destiny 1. Transfer the guns and whatever else you need while you fly around. It’s EASY and

Things evolve people. For a time theater was the prevailing way to proselytize the planet. Should we stop doing plays because for many years plays were used to make people feel bad and turn to Christ?

Now playing

Mysterious aliens and pyramids....we’ve seen this kind of thing before :

Vex Offensive you can clear like 10-15 in a go. 

But you can do ANY of the quests with other guns and just switch to EV right at the end before it finishes. Just have app open and swap and get credit. 

There’s this ongoing myth that it must be played all the time. Yes, if you want to be a streamer you need things right away. But it’s quite easy to step away and back into Destiny at your leisure. Last season I think I played maybe 30 minutes a week and had all three characters at cap and managed to get 3 pinnacle

Did he say liberate city or was that a typo? “...called for the liberation of his city”