
I’ve made my mind up. I want Epic to win because it might set fire to walled gardens. Not immediately, but the door might open just enough for there to be some real chaos in the Edens of the world.

Y’know...if we collectively agree to stop giving these miserable fuckwits the attention they so goddamned desperately, pitifully claw at, they’ll eventually just go away and be forgotten like they should be.

I guess it’s nice someone’s grandfather made the news...

That totally explains it!! This guy was stalking me for about a week. He finally caught up with me and whispered in my ear, “P0103, You have a problem with your mass air flow sensor”. True story!

Not only don’t they acknowledge it, you frequently see them try to preemptively discredit it. “Don’t start with that ‘Southern Strategy’ stuff, because it’s BS.” is something I’ve seen repeated frequently in comments, almost as if it's something they've seen on TV.

As a Clip fan the ejection was called for.

Can we get some credit for Ben Shapiro and other pearl-clutching douche bags who helped spread the song to audiences that might not have otherwise encountered it?

So I’m struck by two pretty opposing reactions, ya’all.

If they were capable of shame, they wouldn’t say these things in the first place.

Epic games application is not an operating system. The correct analogy would be Microsoft charging Steam and Epic Games to have an application that makes money on Windows, and blocking access to users if they don't pay.

For a guy that allegedly hates socialism Ben Shapiro sure does like being publicly owned

ah the POP-IN, i forgot to even mention it. it’s BAD. Like, on the in-game benchmarking thing it’s comically bad, entire sections of buildings popping in late, then their shadows even later after that.

I’m running a 3900X and 2080Ti, at 3440x1440 on high settings. While performance is pretty scattered (anything from 50 to 100 fps), I haven’t encountered any stuttering, microfreezing, crashes or any other issues. I’ve had no texture or terrain pop-in, but occasionally character cloth physics will jump around suddenly

Yeah, his claims of “nobody could have foreseen this!” have been stupid from the beginning. Everybody from SF authors to epidemiologists to news reporters to past presidents have foreseen this, prepared for it, and practiced for it. Then along came the Very Stable Genius.

No, it's fine. Because kids are immune and teachers mostly vote democratic.

May I point out that getting rid of the NRA is not the same as getting rid of the Second Amendment? We had the 2A a long time before the NRA, AND the NRA was just a gun-hobbyist club a long time before it was politically active.

And now we know what the morning shall look like on the social medias, today:

To the troll Lizardo: no one cares what you think, here, or in real life. You are not worthy of love in your current form, and therefore no one really loves you. You know it’s true. No one loves you. You’re nothing.

I’m sure the NFL will have no problem with 10 guys lined up across from each other with their heads 2 feet apart and breathing hard 120 times a game.