
I got it right away. I can’t believe anyone could be triggered by the legendary Betty White–but then again, I’m not caucasian.

“Hi, I’m concerned my young, immature son has a deadly weapon he can’t handle.”

And Im sure not one boss who hired an undocumented worker will be arrested.

“Sure, he’s inspiring racial violence and is pushing America into chaos as alienates all of our allies. But he is killing it for my portfolio, and I’ll be dead by 2050, sooo....”

Mercedes, 1939: “While we disagree with the Fuhrer’s racial rhetoric, we support him on other things, like the Autobahn.  It’s possible to support someone without agreeing on all policies.”

It’d be quite easy to mine this database and create an app that would make it much, much easier.

These owners really need to stick to sports.

This is the new normal. Those who have the power to do something do not care. This is what they want.

And? Yeah, i wish they made more music. Does that make me like the music they made any less? no.

Kevin McCarthy
Targeting and harassing Americans because of their political beliefs is shameful and dangerous. What happened to “when they go low, we go high?” Or does that no longer matter when your brother is polling at 1%? Americans deserve better.

To paraphrase Trevor Noah, when the 2nd Amendment is used to protect guns more than it protects people, you’re doing it wrong.

Groping”? That one guys is choking her neck.

The Venn diagram of incels and mass shooters:

Not good enough. Take a friend who is going to vote Democrat and kill a ‘Pube before they can get to the polls.

Not all FOX viewers are racist, but all racists are FOX viewers...

Imagine killing nine and wounding twenty six and it’s only the second worst mass shooting in 24 hours. It’s like when Groucho Marx died the same day as Elvis.

Toolar Swift. Forever linked now. You can’t unsee it.

I am not a huge Tool fan but I really enjoy their music so I am probably most excited I can stream it on Spotify now more than the new album coming out. That said, I am definitely excited for new Tool.