
If we stop punching him in the face did we save his face from destruction?

I had Wagyu teppanyaki while on vacation in Japan, it was very good (as was the entire meal), not sure that alone was worth the price of the meal, but I’d say we were buying the experience as much as anything else.

Villanueva is sketchy as shit, just the wording in his statement is chilling, the ‘anymore’ is rather damning on its own. Sabes el jefe bandito pendejo?

Now playing

I’m cool with everything being my fault, I’ll try to do better next time.

TOOL, RATM, Public Enemy, Soundgarden, honestly, the 90s could fail by almost every other metric and still redeem itself on music alone.

Sonic Youth, Public Enemy, Anthrax, RATM, Tool, honestly, the 90s could fail by every metric imaginable and the music would still make it amazing.

Case in point. Storm > Cyclops, forever.

I am crushed, I didn’t even know he was trying to make The Blade Itself, I mean, Tobey is not who I would have thought of for any role in that movie except maybe Jezal, but it’s one of those series I believe deserves to reach a wider audience. I’ve enjoyed everything Abercrombie has written in that world.

I feel like the Post was just confirming what we already knew, but I fully agree, they could have used much simpler terms.
‘We did a deep study of these people and found that they were white and stupid, as evidenced by the fact that they couldn’t handle money in a system rigged to provide them with every opportunity to

I know Paul Pazen, I can tell you that that was not his hope or intent, whether that hope existed elsewhere within the city bureaucracy is another matter. Funding and overtime authorization, especially for a new and unproven program can be difficult to secure, I’d give it some time, see if the current level of success

Loved Mage, loved the magic system, despite the fact that if you really allowed players to be creative with it that it was almost impossible to control the game in any meaningful manner as a storyteller.

Speaking from experience, ‘dumb white boy’ works. I’ve avoided more than one traffic violation with that routine. It shouldn’t work, but it does. It never occurred to me to try it at a military checkpoint though, I kind of assumed it had limits.

For those keeping score at home: https://seditiontracker.com/

Well, there is a reason that in CT circles it’s commonly referred to as ‘Terrorgram’.

I’d prefer to demonstrate a bit more eloquence in this situation, but, fuck that noise.

Cyberpsychosis and Suicide with the Tetratronic deck that causes ultimates to spread once is where the game just kind of breaks with Ping in my opinion.

I’ve heard rumor Warnock’s victory speech was short, something along the lines of:
‘Bye Felicia.’
Can anyone confirm?

Bye Felicia.

Preach. Maybe autonomous cars will actually stay in the slow lane or at least yield right when we roll up behind them. At least an autonomous car is unlikely to consider it their moral obligation to keep us from speeding.