
I know that I trivialize her when I say this, but it’s criminal that she will not be Storm. It’s not right, she’s the one I visualized from the start, can someone please provide alternatives? Lupita has already been cast obviously...

FF, Michael Rooker in whatever, yes, I will see this.

It’s almost like private insurance has an incentive to not keep you alive.

That would imply that they’re not aware that the whole thing is a con, we know that’s not true. Popes got to get paid, come on now.

This checks out, see also Tool - Aenima

Are we sure we want to warn these people? Let’s not ignore the potential benefits here. /s

This is the only correct answer.

The funny part is that Killing is probably the worst song on that album. Still good, but definitely not on the same level as the rest of the album.

Evangelicals are a drag on the species.

We get them occasionally, Danny Glover in Silverado is one of my favorites, but yes, we don’t get enough of them.

Racists are always proud of their shit, they’re dying to explain to you why they’re right. To them it’s proof of their intellectual superiority, they’ve seen beyond the veil and understand the world in a way you never could. Seriously, it’s like reverse psychadelics, ‘I’ve closed my mind so thoroughly I’ve had an

Doesn’t impact gun sales, check.

I’m sure it has nothing to do with him voting the wrong way on every major social issue to come before him in his entire political career. If it can be done incorrectly, Joe will do it that way.

Hey, maybe they can cycle it through Betsy DeVos’ Christian adoption network like the other babies they’ve separated from their families. /s

As a cauc, I tried, but was unsuccessful. If I manage it later I’ll report back with my feels.

I’d buy that for a dollar.

Thanks! This is remarkably easy to use and will help me insure I’m not giving to local businesses that support shitstain candidates.

Come on man, you’re supposed to value his subjective judgement in an objective manner, at least try to play the game.

Yes, we’re not recruiting, this music probably isn’t for you.