Not even close.
Not even close.
Just spent $11,000 cleaning my car. Oh yeah...
You have the internet full of stuff like this and you can't live without it for one day while your in public?
@Y-bot: oh REALLY? That WOULD be AWESOME.
4.3 screen or a no go.
Man, young teenage girls are idiots.
Godzilla is cool and all but is Hollywood dead of any originality?
Love it!
$50 is casual now? Try $30.
@techynottreky: Movies.
I was working in one of the hangers that day that Virgin owns. Building some rooms.
There are some f-ed up idea's out there.
Mmm Asians...
@WookieLifeDay: Well thats good she doesn't like the thought of Hell, its a terrible thing to think of. Your worshiping a God that is based on love, thats his main attribute. So why would he throw us into a place that constantly is there to torture us? It just doesn't fit in with the teaching of the Bible and Gods…
@kagekiri: Fire in biblical times was a representation of complete destruction.