What? Mei is countered by just staying in a group. Her whole kit pretty much revolves around getting 1v1 situations.
What? Mei is countered by just staying in a group. Her whole kit pretty much revolves around getting 1v1 situations.
I miss Plummer. That guy got a rough deal from the Broncos. While it was clear that Cutler was the future Plummer was still playing well enough to keep the team winning.
30 yr drought? Boo hoo. Come talk to me when your team hits the century mark. 30 years. What a joke.
Please don’t attribute this jerk offs post to all of the armed forces or even the Marines in general. A number of guys at the gym and my step son are Marines or served as Marines. For the most part they are intelligent, honest, and duty driven individuals. However, like any group, there are some that are complete numb…
As someone who has litigated against Pepper Hamilton on an issue where they allegedly conducted an investigation I can tell you that the lack of a written report is standard and intentional.
My wife is a terrible driver. She is the lady in the left hand lane going 5 miles under the speed limit. She always wonders why those who pass her on the right give her the finger and/or honk. She constantly hits curbs, cuts lanes, and never checks her blind spot.
The worst part of all of this is that at least Ms. Spain is one of the better reporters who covers my beloved Cubs. Ms. Spain always brings an insightful look into the Cubs. If she was male I would venture that she would be roundly celebrated and considered a national treasure.
Powerful video.
This guy was a true nut job. After law school I moved to another state. From my wife’s dad (who is a HS and college ref) we were told this guy was permanently banned from all of his daughter’s HS games due to his antics. The best part was his daughter was still on the JV team when this occurred.
I can feel your pain. For extra cash during law school I would ref summer league and fall league basketball tournaments. You had to work your way up from the little kids to the open division. I never reached the open division (it was filled with full time referees for local high school and college adssociation) but…
Maybe I’m getting old but who the hell is Aaron Carter and why should I give a flying fuck who he endorses or that he was potentially bullied?
Flash bang a sectoid who has mind controlled a team mate or created a psi zombie. Doing so will release the hold or kill the zombie.
Was it Beagle? Especially during his Open Xcom run the fan named characters died in droves.
Tell your friend to just follow his own arrow, to quote another “alt country” stalwart. Then kick him in the nuts for having terrible taste. Hopefully the kick will prevent any future children and the spread of terrible taste.
What the fuck was that shit? I am quite sure that I got a fucking brain hemmorage from that drivel. Someone was on a deadline and just decided “fuck it, content is not needed when a deadline looms”.