PB from the jar

“I do hope he reconsiders leaving, because someone once told me divorce causes autism.”

There is only one response to this:

Why I gotta wear more clothes than Jesus in Church tho.

The preview reminded me of those straight to video Olsen twins movies.

Not sure “controversy” is the right word to describe what surrounds the Ghostbusters remake. “Controversy” implies some legitimate material dispute of facts, interpretations, or values. This is just a mass man-child temper tantrum.

OThe happiest couples I know that are on their second marriage (sounds ridiculous when both pairs have been mairred over 30 year) call the first marriage “the practice marriage.”

Instead of “new guy,” call him your “upgrade.” He sounds like an upgrade in every way. :)


I have very long hair and I’m always terrified it will get caught in something and will rip my head off. I think I blame this fear on hearing this exact scenario happen to poor hapless girls working in Victorian factories.

It is pretty much the perfect encapsulation of American politics

going through a real emotional journey concerning my feelings about frats today

Troll Level: Activist

I like how she acts like it’s amazing that he rented out a whole movie theater. Don’t they have movie theaters in their homes? They are bajillionaires.

Adults who use the word “yummy” should be taken out back and shot.

Kanye is responsible for what, a quarter of all roses used by the flower industry per year? A third? Half?

Cleavage is encouraged in public spaces...as long as they aren’t involved in breast feeding.

One year. One year for knocking up a kid in his care, never mind all the others he didn’t knock up. Wow.

I had that *exact* same thought reading this! Like, if I’m not enjoying it, I’m going to tell you what you can do differently, but guys are soooooo into making women cum that sometimes I have to gently tell them that its just not going to happen right then, but I still enjoy having sex with them. But I also live in a

Um, WHAT????