peez the magnificent

Make no mistake (I live just off the north end of the RCP), it would be an absolutely *amazing* high-speed drive…if it were closed off. And even then, it would be an amazing drive in the way Snaefell Mountain is – there’s no runoff or leeway, you either keep it in the lines or there’s, ah, consequences.

Well, the NHRA used to demand a race license and full safety gear for 10-second/135mph cars, until the Demon came along. Now it’s 9-second/150mph; wonder if they’ll roll it back to 8/175 or something…

I did an endless lobster (and steak) dinner once. You *have* to have at least a few bites of something after each bug, otherwise it just get single-note overwhelming. Plus greasy, what with all the butter. I was having good luck with a bit of steak and a forkful of Caesar salad, made it to nine bugs, but YMMV.

This strikes me as less “bad recipes” and “how to tell if a recipe was professionally developed, tested and written vs. something some Suzy Homemaker randomly decided to post on her blog”; while it’s true the latter is much likelier to be “bad” than the former, I’ve had plenty of wins with both types, and plenty of

The mandoline is literally the only thing professionals fear. We will cheerfully drain a just-turned-off deep fryer into a pot and lug that vat of literal boiling oil down a flight of stairs and across a slippery alley to the grease bin without a second thought, but ask us to shave some onions…

They should build stores on the Amtrak route and make the trains stop when they enter the state. God knows we always did, every time, both going to and coming from Maine. My dad liked his handle of OGD.

OFC he doesn’t know how to fix it; he’s not an engineer. What he, drivers in general, are good for is telling the engineers what’s not right, and how it should be to be right, and the pencil-necks make it happen. You wouldn’t expect an engineer to be able to take a spin around Silverstone and know what needs to be

Would *I* drop $24K on this? Not unless I had some funky hipster catering company, (tho even then I’d probably get a Citröen H or Renault Estafette).

In my 28 years in the industry I’ve worked alongside not one but two confirmed killers (along with a whole motley crew of lesser felons), but neither was quite this high-profile…

I’ve used Imperfect; a good bit of their produce isn’t as much “ugly” as much as it’s near the end of its saleable life, as in “use it in two days or compost it”. To be fair, they’re upfront with it; every product has the reason it’s imperfect listed in the description so you can avoid the “nearing date” stuff, or

Apparently it’s a pitot tube, like on an airplane: https://www.racecar-engineering.com/racing-tech/how-to-use-pitot-tubes/

As an edgy teen on the Internet in the late 90s, I saw a couple of videos of people getting ingested (thanks Rotten and Ogrish)…it’s actually not objectively bad at all, they simply get sucked in, the engine shudders, and that’s that. Of course, it’s subjectively horrifying since you’re watching a person die, but

The ServSafe program is not a “scam”. It’s a completely legitimate, pretty comprehensive food handling program that anyone who works back of house SHOULD take.

At a school party, he and Alain Sailhac once told us the worst food in the world to waste was bread – some of their earliest memories were of getting extra bread rations from the Nazis because it had “gone green”, but it was still like mana from heaven.

It’s not an impression, some of my fondest memories of culinary school are when he’d pop in to the classroom (classkitchen?) and just sort of wander around, being chatty and maybe showing a trick or two. What a teddy bear.

Most countertop induction burners have an 8" coil, so they only directly heat an 8" circle of metal. If you have a good pan though, one that will evenly distribute heat, it’s not as big an issue as it seems so long as you let it heat a bit slower and longer so the heat will distribute well. I have 12" pans in cast

That’s only half the equation: you also have to make sure the feed line can provide enough current. Most home 220V circuits are only 30-amp, a full-sized induction cooktop needs 50 unless you only want to be able to use half the burners at once. Could be a simple breaker swap, but could also need rewiring, or even a

You’ll probably need to upgrade the power supply to your house, as in you’ll need to have the power co. up the current coming in to the meter. A typical American house has 100 amp service, meaning the most current you can pull from the grid; some bigger homes with electric heat/AC will have a 200 amp box but any

New York City offers a free, online food safety course. I strongly suggest that *anyone* who cooks should take it. It’s actually the only food protection certification recognized in The City; a “mere” ServSafe is not acceptable (it’s really just a money-grubbing scheme but the course is absolutely up to standard).

1996, had my license for all of two weeks. Was in my mom’s Ford Contour V6, going to get pizza, following my idiot friend who decided to, unplanned, tear off down a backroad - this was before cell phones so I had no way of knowing he was going to see if a friend who lived down there wanted to come eat, all I knew was