Pat Bandy

I didn’t read this because I know I didn’t follow any Russian fake news pages (because I don’t follow anything) BUT How do I find out if some else I’m friends with has? I want to know who NOT to be friends with. Tank you.

Yeah, I hate the monarchy, but they’ve had female rulers since 1553, and America had its first female ruler in, erm, the future?

The “real”WHCD may be as sparsely attended as the Inaugural was.

Two of my aunts voted for him and I’ll see them today.. I want to pick them up and shake them but I’m guessing my grandfathers funeral isn’t the time for that..

They season their food, though.

My favorite one of these has to be Bob Allen.

It was for research purposes only!

It isn’t self-hatred. It’s about the fact that they will do or say anything for votes - it’s worse than self-hatred.

Im just going to assume every single male politician out here fighting against LGBT rights is homosexual at this point. The self hatred in these types is on steroids

One guy speaks up and this asshole’s life is in tatters.

One guy speaks up and this asshole’s life is in tatters.

This isn’t not a mental health issue. Weinstein tried the mental health justification with the sex addiction therapy.

He’s an extremely bold predator, for sure.

Good for you. Most of us would end up with split ends and dry scalp.

Why tongue? It’s readily available from a deli but not anything one would mistake for a sincere gift of food (although tongue is good eatin’).

I wish ghosts were real. She would haunt the shit out of a lot of gross assholes.

Classy, badass, and scary as fuck. That’s my Princess Leia

In case you needed more reasons to love and miss Carrie Fisher.

Carrie was such a badass. So missed.

“The south will rise again” my ass. These people go where they know they’ll get a pass, where they know their white supremacists bullshit will be tolerated.... I constantly tell people they do not go where they’ll truly be in danger, they go where they know they will be safe and can voice hate.