
File this one to Barf Bag 

Why is Jezebel on this movie’s dick so hard? Bradley Cooper sucks! American Sniper, anyone? Gaga sucks, too! Hello, she worked with R. Kelly not long ago. Fuck this movie. 

Jezebel so much on rihanna’s Dick 

How nice for you always getting published 

Seriously? Fuck these people. 

I love wantching Keira in period pieces. She kills it

File this to Barf Bag

American Sniper as a Kris Kristofferson-type songwriter/musician? NO THANKS.


this should be filed in Barf Bag

cool so they got matching moles. 

Sam Smith is a little mark ass bitch 

This shit crack me up so hard. What also cracks me up is how butt hurt the likes of Jezebel and Babe net seem to be about all of this 

Good riddance to this hot mess of a show. 

Bustle fuckin suuuuuuuuucks

Funny bc i was thinking just earlier today ‘wtf is Hailey baldwin’ 


Sad songs make me feel better.

Just look at him he doesn’t have a jaw

This is SO Langley, BC.