From the very first game in the Civilization series through to today, India’s supposedly-peaceful leader Gandhi has…
From the very first game in the Civilization series through to today, India’s supposedly-peaceful leader Gandhi has…
and smeared his crap all over the walls of the cubicle and the mirror directly outside it.
You. Guys. I was reading some stuff on the internet and I just came across the best thing I've read in a while. Super long, super depressing, super serious, WELL worth reading. (In fact, I will probably post it again in one of these socials next week, since I have a feeling nobody's gonna read this comment at this…
Montezuma can piss off too. I go out of my way to be nice to that guy, and without fail, almost every time, I catch that s.o.b. spying on me. What's the deal, bro?
An NPR podcast, Planet Money, followed a shirt from cotton to consumer. They posted a price breakdown:…
Hey, it's me, Kelli, the 22-year-old brain surgeon/model/philanthropist. I'm a size 0 with DDs, but I'm not all stuck up about it. My biggest turn-on is ugly guys who play video games all day and never shower. PayPal me $11.99 to learn why I disagree with the FTC's decision! <3
Well you can only make millions doing it that way, while you can earn billions doing it this way.
Hell of a story. I think it's tips@ jezebel. Com
How could I recommend something one of the Jezzie writers might want to look into? Like this, that was posted on Buzzfeed, today:…
For Halloween, the Flyers' equipment manager decided to freak out his players by sticking a plastic snake in a…
Hopefully, there won't be one fucking "the right way" comment, and I'm not even a Cards fan. Be decent human beings. So much potential gone at such a young age. Condolences to his family and friends.
This movie will probably be a disaster, but dare I say that this featurette made me a little excited?
Ok so my favorite part of Into the Woods in general is the concept of "it's the witch from next door!" Like... who is living next to a witch? MOVE.
Who's that whisperin' in the trees?
Haha yes I was very confused by the claim that the video was from 2009, was trying to figure out why he'd be squeezing this job in between shooting G.I. Joe and Step Up sequels.
Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.
Not much man what's raw with you