
This article, and the law case, are about explicit sexual threats against specific women on the Internet. Your response sounds a little pedantic - of course there are numerous other examples of Internet silliness, stalking, threats and crazy BS against men. THIS article is not about men on the Internet.

If you want to call women 'luminous dreamboats', I'm pretty sure you won't be objectifying them TOO badly.

If this man is sentenced, it sets a precedent for ALL online harassment and abuse. Most of the article was written in non-gendered language, and the law would apply to everyone.

Takes a brave man to step in front of an enraged Emery. The linesmen do the actual work of stepping in between and separating the players while the referee stands back and watches to see who gets penalties. There isn't much a 4 man officiating crew can do when you have 10 fighters on the ice.

A lot of the linesmen in

One of my favourite Canadian-eh books!

That is my new favourite curse. Thank you for sharing :)

The linesmen tried at first and then were all like, "Nahhhhh....we don't get paid enough to get in between those two..."

The NHL needs to start targeting players who make the decision to act like goons in a 'non-hockey' manner. If a hit made in the course of the game accidentally injures someone, that is NOT the same thing as kneeing a guy in the head who is already down on the ice. The hit by Neal had nothing to do with hockey.

Coloured Christmas lights make me feel happy and holidayish, and like a kid again.

Sounds like a perfect start-up business for someone who would appreciate and honour dolls like that...hint, hint :)

You want to play that way? Fine.

I think you may be barking up the wrong tree - try looking at legit spellings of insults. Like 'pussys' or 'cunttz'...

Can I ask a polite question? I can sympathize in some ways with what you are saying, but essentially your comment denies my entire being. I'm multiracial, and many people cannot immediately discern 'what I am' in public. My parents and grandparents were all different colours and races, and they loved one another.

I know this is the Senators, but it looks like a Rorschach test. Meh.

I know this is the Senators, but it looks like a Rorschach test. Meh.

Your mom was also a professional bodybuilder? No? Then it would have had a different effect upon her body. Some pregnant mothers have 40 pound children that demand to be lifted and carried, some may have to carry tons of groceries walking home, some may work in a physically demanding job.

Yes - it was a really BIG deal for him to admit that to his group of friends, his parents, his hockey team, etc. He's 17 years old. He played the song for his parents, and they both cried, then gave him a hug.

As someone who works in the arts, that is wonderful to hear. Too many artists are really rude to the people who get their shows up and running.

I'm an adult, and I'm all nuanced about the songs I listen to, but I know a lot of teenagers. I know about 10 teenage boys who LOVE Macklemore, and are now championing LGBTQ rights as a result. In fact, one teen boy I know came out to his friends after watching them change their anti-gay views as a result of that