
Until one of them gets raped, and is told that he was "giving off signals" or was "dressed inappropriately" or "gave consent non-verbally" or some other BS excuse that is used by MRAs and rape apologists.

I have two teenage sons - this is how our talk went.

Angelina Jolie won an Oscar before she got with Brad, so I think that qualifies as "people giving a shit about her..." and she only had 3 biological children, so the clown car comment is pretty out of whack. And pretty dismissive of those who choose to have lots of children.

This is so offensive it hurts my heart. I get that the DA wants him prosecuted, but isn't there a Fourth Amendment that they violated? WTH is she guilty of?

Oh, I have found the motherlode for shirts and dresses...I am short waisted, long legged, and big boobed and NOTHING fits me properly. Thank you Dodai!!!