
Defend your Jurassic Park take here in front of everyone.

Dawg, they were definitely underinflating the balls.

Christmas came early.

It feels like she’s totally ok with her husband’s role in all of this, with all her angst aimed at the reporter..... while she at the same time implicitly validates a scoop that the reporter didn’t even claim to be a scoop.

It seems like you’re burying the lede here. Is Snyderland so dysfunctional that accusing your husband of having an affair on social media is par for the course?

I wouldn’t call them overalls as much as I’d call them around-somes.

He doesn’t have to make something like Metal Gear anymore

kermit did 9/11

Definitely Not Miss Piggy

Same here. We also watched Excalibur. We were told about this by upperclassmen, to wait for her to run up to the screen with a piece of cardboard to cover it. It was hilarious. She was no prude, she just knew someone’s parent would throw a fit.

yes. this was that one.

I swear my sophomore English teacher showed us a version of Romeo & Juliet that had brief nudity. This was pre-internet, so any glimpse of boobs was legitimately a big deal.

Rochester, MN

Fredrick County, it’s right there yo

Detroit, MI. Looks like it was designed in a city council meeting. It’s like the image carousel of flags. Also, the city is on fire in the background of the seal.

Alton, Texas.

The City of Melbourne looks like it was put together on Clipart.