Just starred bc I love your username!
Just starred bc I love your username!
Bummer! Sorry you didn’t have any luck. And what u said makes sense, bc like I said, my jacket wasn’t really “dirty”. But it did come out smelling and looking clean. In the end, I guess that's all that matters. (I'm gross)
Liquid LSD can definitely be absorbed through your skin, but it’s not like if you touch someone tripping, you’ll “catch it”
Jolie, what’s your thought on the at home dry cleaning stuff? I can’t remember the name of it now, but I had a sports coat I had to clean for a last second funeral on the weekend, got this thing (I’ll search for the name, is was basically a bag and a wet wipe you throw in the dryer) and BAM! 30 minutes later a…
Goodbye Prince Fielder
Why does this not have more stars?!?
I give props to “Diddy” here. He got back some street cred. That Sal Alosi is one intimidating mother fucker, seriously; Google him!
Who got the last laugh!!!!
I feel so motivated to clean when I read these, then 5 o’clock rolls around and I hurry home. I’m disgusting
I really don’t get the bible. I “get it” in a sense, but I don’t get it how people use it to justify their stances. These people use Romans 1 to cite why they disagree with the commercial, but Romans 2, only a couple more pages over reads; “2 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for…
You’re insane and a therapist! Color me impressed
I <3 BCO!
You’re trolling, right?>
In the words of Leslie Horn, “you’re all gross”
Where do I order my Leslie Horn robot? She won’t call me gross!